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Project 03

Sensory Space

Learn to create awareness in understanding the dimensional requirements of the human body (anthropometrics and ergonomics) and also explore and apply basic design principles and terminologies. Become more considerable on objective and subjective parameters in the design process to create a space this is practical yet poetic. 


This Project 3, is to create a sensory space for the user deconstruct from our project 2 with a user journey. The volume required was 20m cube so that the user can have more space to experience. 

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-28 at 4.25.43 PM (19) - Copy - Copy.jpeg

Design Narratives

"Rest is to proceed to a longer journey"


The main purpose of this structure is to provide a space for the user to have rest or relax in a long journey. The space is to purify our soul so that the stress and depression in life won't swallow us. And also stop our footstep if we face bottlenecks in our life. The structure use a elements of shapes with principles of hierarchy to show the shading which represent the darkness of our life but sunlight represent the hopes for us which there will always be hopes and sun.




Presentation Slides

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