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Project 02

The Discovery Center

Learnt to resolve basic building construction, materials, and environmental considerations. Produce and justify a design of a small scale community building within an open/suburban context, following analysis and exploration of the site, the user requirements, environmental sustainability, buildability, and spatial poetics. Communicate design through effective visual and expressive verbal presentation to peer, tutors, and architects from


In this project 2, it was a individual project for us to design a discovery centre at a site called Kampung Sunagi Haji Dorani. Its a Village at the west coast of Malaysia that famous with paddy plantation. As a tutorial group we manage to visit the site physically and did a site analysis about the site with the site context. Then we will response to the site as designing our discovery centre.

Visceral Board

Board 7 - Visceral Board 1.jpg
Board 8 - Visceral Board 2.jpg

Site Analysis

Draft Model

Presentation Board

Final Model

Reflective writing

In this project 2, the site is a fun site to play with like the views, vegetation, texture, smell etc. which is interesting as also first time designing a large structure which consist of exhibition space, contemplation space, cafe, Souvenir booth and so on. Its a interesting process to have the first ever physical class for the entire semester and having physical presentation with external accessor. Also the first semester we can use computer to do our things like 3d modeling and prepare presentation board through photoshop and so on.



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